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I am a Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Mississippi. My primary areas of research are family economics, law and economics, and public choice. I am also currently a Law & Economics Fellows Advisor for the International Center for Law & Economics, and I serve on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Markets & Morality

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Research Publications

"The Fertility Gap and Economic Freedom" (with Lyman R. Stone), 2024 in Contemporary Economic Policy.


"The Supply and Demand of Marital Contracts: The Case of Same-Sex Marriage" (with Rachael Behr and Kacey Reeves West), 2023 in Public Choice.


"Bargaining over Beauty: The Economics of Renaissance Art Contracts" (with Ennio E. Piano), 2023 in the Journal of Law and Economics.


"Contracting Creativity" (with Ennio E. Piano), 2023 in the European Review of Economic History.


"Autocratic Family Policy," 2022 in Constitutional Political Economy.​


"The Family and the State: A Public Choice Perspective," 2022 in Review of Austrian Economics.​


"Does Marriage Protect Mental Health? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic" (with Christos A. Makridis), 2021 in Social Science Quarterly.


"In Persona Christi Capitis: Agency Problems When God is the Principal" (with Ennio E. Piano), 2021 in the Journal of Economics, Management, and Religion.​


"An Economic Theory of Economic Analysis: The Case of the School of Salamanca," 2019 in Public Choice.​​​​​​

Popular Articles/Podcasts

Article link: "The Place of Economics in a Classical Education" (Public Discourse)

Podcast link: "Interview with Lyman Stone and Clara Piano" (Society for Professional Economists)​

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